Our interview with Minister of State Mr Ciaran Cannon has had 3.5k listens on AudioBoom! Who would have thought we would reach so many people with our message?
Overall, we have had a total of 8,290 listens to our Development Education podcasts. Isn't that amazing? We now feel that we have definitely raised awareness of the importance of educating girls in the Developing world. Great work Class Tabei!
Is the World Girl Friendly?
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
We're featured on AudioBoom
What a way to reach an audience! Our interview with 1st Years after the screening of Girl Rising has been chosen as a Featured Post by AudioBoom. It has also had 430 listens!
Thursday, 23 October 2014
1000 listens to our interview with Minister Cannon!
Our interview with Minister Cannon, where we challenged him about access to education for girls in India has been listened to 1,000 times since May. We are delighted that it has reached such an audience.
Read the blog post and listen to the interview here http://agirlfriendlyworld.blogspot.ie/2014/05/rty-interview-minister-ciaran-cannon.html
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Response from Minister Costello
We got a result!
Everyone who signed our petition will get a response like this one below from Minister Joe Costello. Check your In boxes people!
Everyone who signed our petition will get a response like this one below from Minister Joe Costello. Check your In boxes people!
Monday, 19 May 2014
RTY interview Minister Ciaran Cannon
Radio TY (RTY) were recently invited to the ICTEdu conference in LIT Thurles on May 10th. The theme of the conference was Global Voices and the use of technology in education.
While at the conference RTY interviewed the Minister of State at the Dept of Education, Minister Ciaran Cannon. Have a listen to what he tells RTY about his work, his day, education in the digital era and the important issue of education for girls especially MDG No 2
Check out other podcasts from Radio TY at www.radioty.blogspot.com
While at the conference RTY interviewed the Minister of State at the Dept of Education, Minister Ciaran Cannon. Have a listen to what he tells RTY about his work, his day, education in the digital era and the important issue of education for girls especially MDG No 2
Check out other podcasts from Radio TY at www.radioty.blogspot.com
Friday, 9 May 2014
Our 'Happy' video - oh for all girls to be in school
We made this video to show that we consider ourselves to be happy in school and wishing that all girls could have the same opportunites as we do.
Thanks to Aoife H for all her editing.
Thanks to Aoife H for all her editing.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
We got this feedback from Arnela of the CIM (Center for Peacebuilding, Sanski Most) about our Skype session. Thank you Arnela for taking the time to send this to us.
Skype meeting with students from Ireland was great.We met a
lot of smarts and funny girls.We learned about Ireland and their city.We
disscused about our and their school activities and our private activities after
school.They learned about our rules in schools,what are the advantages and what
not.We learned that they have schools only for boys and schools only for girls
and they were surprised to hear that it doesn't exist in our country and that
we only have mixed schools.We've also discussed about discrimination among
students and does we all have the same rights no matter are we girls or boys.It
was really fun to communicate with these girls.We are really glad and we hope
that we're gonna see them one day.
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Skyping Bosnia
On Thursday the 27th of March class Tabei had the pleasure of a Skype session with Bosnian students in a peace centre in Sanski Most. The centre was called The Peace Centre of Reconciliation. Due the civil war in Bosnia there are many divisions and conflicts so this centre is one which brings both ethnic groups together for peace and reconciliation.
The theme that we had chosen for our NGO was “Is the world Girl Friendly”. So this Skype session would help us to understand the life of a girl in Bosnia. Our class was very excited for this session and had prepared many questions.
During our Skype session we were introduced to around six girls in the centre. They were of the age sixteen and found this centre to be of great importance to their lives. Girl’s education is free in Bosnia so all girls can attend school however in rural areas some girls would live 12 miles away from a school and so would not be able to attend. All the girls walk to school and there are no buses which could provide them with transport. They told us that they were in a mixed school and that both genders have equal rights under the constitution of Bosnia so they are allowed to do subjects, that would only be considered suitable for boys, during their schooling They told us that most girls would go on to college after secondary school.
We also had a chance to ask them about their town. They said that their town was relatively small and that there was a cinema. We shared with them information about our town and where we would go to have fun.
We came up with a conclusion that Bosnia is a girl friendly country but that we all would still rather live in Ireland than in Bosnia. We found this Skype session very interesting and to be a great experience and we look forward to skyping them in the near future.
The theme that we had chosen for our NGO was “Is the world Girl Friendly”. So this Skype session would help us to understand the life of a girl in Bosnia. Our class was very excited for this session and had prepared many questions.
During our Skype session we were introduced to around six girls in the centre. They were of the age sixteen and found this centre to be of great importance to their lives. Girl’s education is free in Bosnia so all girls can attend school however in rural areas some girls would live 12 miles away from a school and so would not be able to attend. All the girls walk to school and there are no buses which could provide them with transport. They told us that they were in a mixed school and that both genders have equal rights under the constitution of Bosnia so they are allowed to do subjects, that would only be considered suitable for boys, during their schooling They told us that most girls would go on to college after secondary school.
We also had a chance to ask them about their town. They said that their town was relatively small and that there was a cinema. We shared with them information about our town and where we would go to have fun.
We came up with a conclusion that Bosnia is a girl friendly country but that we all would still rather live in Ireland than in Bosnia. We found this Skype session very interesting and to be a great experience and we look forward to skyping them in the near future.

Thursday, 27 March 2014
A walk to school through Balata
We sent out a request for snippets of video to add to our Walking to School video that we are hoping to make. Our video will hopefully show that we are happy to be at school and ask why can't all girls be this happy too. Wouldn't it be great if all girls in the world had the same opportunity that school can give?
We were sent this fabulous video from Abdullah at the Yafa Cultural Centre in the Balata camp in Palestine. His students really upped the ante! Have a look at the video. We think it will make you think a bit more positively about where you live.
Thank you Salah, Nisreen, Farah, Roa'a, Alaa' and Abdullah.
We were sent this fabulous video from Abdullah at the Yafa Cultural Centre in the Balata camp in Palestine. His students really upped the ante! Have a look at the video. We think it will make you think a bit more positively about where you live.
Thank you Salah, Nisreen, Farah, Roa'a, Alaa' and Abdullah.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Skyping Plans
We are hoping to Skype with the following schools:
* Catholic Medical School in Sarajevo.
* Centre for Peacebuilding in Sanski Most.
* Yafa Cultural Centre in Balata.
* Alexandru cel Bun College in Romania.
We hope to talk to them about our NGO - Empowering girls, Asking them questions such as:
* Is education free in your country?
* Is there any girls who do not attend school in your country?
* Do many girls go to college in your country?
* How are girls treated in mixed schools in your country?
* Catholic Medical School in Sarajevo.
* Centre for Peacebuilding in Sanski Most.
* Yafa Cultural Centre in Balata.
* Alexandru cel Bun College in Romania.
We hope to talk to them about our NGO - Empowering girls, Asking them questions such as:
* Is education free in your country?
* Is there any girls who do not attend school in your country?
* Do many girls go to college in your country?
* How are girls treated in mixed schools in your country?
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
The Girl Effect
What happens when you educate a girl? Watch.....
Thursday, 20 February 2014
How lucky are we to be in school?
After the screening of Girl Rising some members of Radio TY caught up with TY's, 1st and 2nd Years to ask them their thoughts after seeing the film.
Listen here to some 1st Years who feel inspired to do something about the issue!
See our project blogs - A Girl Friendly World at http://agirlfriendlyworld.blogspot.ie and Calíní Saor at http://cornarotyngo.blogspot.ie/
Thursday, 13 February 2014
When we were watching Girl Rising we watched the 'Walking to School' video. This inspired us to make our own, but we decided to expand to a video about our school day. We are also trying to get footage from other schools.
Here's a teaser. Enjoy!
After film survey results
At our recent screening of Girl Rising to the first years we asked them to complete a survey after the movie.
This was to test to see if they had enjoyed the film. We also wanted to know would they be inspired to take action on the issue.
The three questions were:
1. Did you enjoy the film? yes/no
2. Did you find the film - boring / inspirational / interesting
3. Would you be inspired to take action on this issue? yes / no
Survey results:
55 people said yes they enjoyed the film- 98%
1 girl said they didn't enjoy the film-2%
1 girl found the film boring-2%
32 girls found the film interesting-57%
23 girls found the film inspirational-41%
53 girls said they would be inspired to take action on this issue-95%
This was to test to see if they had enjoyed the film. We also wanted to know would they be inspired to take action on the issue.
The three questions were:
1. Did you enjoy the film? yes/no
2. Did you find the film - boring / inspirational / interesting
3. Would you be inspired to take action on this issue? yes / no
Survey results:
55 people said yes they enjoyed the film- 98%
1 girl said they didn't enjoy the film-2%
1 girl found the film boring-2%
32 girls found the film interesting-57%
23 girls found the film inspirational-41%
53 girls said they would be inspired to take action on this issue-95%
3 girls said they wouldn't be inspired to take action on this issue-5%
Overall we think the first years enjoyed the film and would take action on this issue. We also think we raised awareness with first years as the percentages were very high.
Overall we think the first years enjoyed the film and would take action on this issue. We also think we raised awareness with first years as the percentages were very high.
Survey Results
At our recent screeneing of Girl Rising to first year we asked them to complete a survey before the movie.
This was to test to see if they had read our poster that we had put around the school. If they got the answers right this means we had raised awareness.
The three questions were:
1.How many girls globally are out of education?
2.How much does an extra year of education add to your income?
3.How many girls under 18 will be married every 30 seconds?
Overall 27% got all 3 questions right. But on a question by question basis the percentages were much higher.
71% knew there were 66 million girls out of education.
48% knew an extra year of education added 20% to a girls income as an adult.
77% knew that every 30 seconds 13 girls are married.
Overall we think we have raised awareness among our first years. As these were difficult statistics to remember and they would not have known them unless they had read our posters.
We had a draw for any girl who got all 3 questions right. Dearbhla Byrne from class Clarke won and was presented with a prize.
This was to test to see if they had read our poster that we had put around the school. If they got the answers right this means we had raised awareness.
The three questions were:
1.How many girls globally are out of education?
2.How much does an extra year of education add to your income?
3.How many girls under 18 will be married every 30 seconds?
Overall 27% got all 3 questions right. But on a question by question basis the percentages were much higher.
71% knew there were 66 million girls out of education.
48% knew an extra year of education added 20% to a girls income as an adult.
77% knew that every 30 seconds 13 girls are married.
Overall we think we have raised awareness among our first years. As these were difficult statistics to remember and they would not have known them unless they had read our posters.
We had a draw for any girl who got all 3 questions right. Dearbhla Byrne from class Clarke won and was presented with a prize.
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Walking to school
We used this short film as the crowds were coming into the Demo Room for the film,
And this one as they were leaving the room after the show.
We hope to make our own version of this film :)
We got all our screening tools here. Find out more about the Girl Rising film and how you can get involved at www.girlrising.com
And this one as they were leaving the room after the show.
We hope to make our own version of this film :)
We got all our screening tools here. Find out more about the Girl Rising film and how you can get involved at www.girlrising.com
Raising Awareness
We watched the film Girl Rising (thanks to Intel Ireland for arranging to have the film sent from America for us). To advertise our awareness week and how important educating girls is, we put posters up around the school with statistics and quotes from the film.
Here are some of our posters:
Friday, 10 January 2014
Our christmas test
To assess how we had done our initial research for our NGO our teachers decided to set us an Apprentice type test, which would actually be a workshop, for Christmas. We were given the task two weeks ahead of our test and we had to plan and prepare for the workshop. On the day we had 2 hours to get our poster made and make a presentation / pitch to the teacher. We also had to write a rationale for our poster and campaign.
Friday, 6 December 2013
Our Research on Conflict and Children
The area of conflict that affects children most notably is the way in which they are used as soldiers. Over half of the worlds child soldiers are in Africa. The end credits of the movie 'Blood Diamond' state that "there are still 200,000 child soldiers in Africa", some of these children are orphaned by AIDS and have no alternatives apart from partaking in warfare. Others have been tricked into joining, been forced into it due to extreme poverty, been sold by there parents or been kidnapped.
We had been drawn to this topic after we watched this disturbing online documentary on civil war in Liberia which illustrated the effects on children that followed conflict. (It is pretty gruesome so beware).
We had been drawn to this topic after we watched this disturbing online documentary on civil war in Liberia which illustrated the effects on children that followed conflict. (It is pretty gruesome so beware).
Friday, 25 October 2013
We found a video of a girl who knows a great song about the Millennium Development Goals. Listen to it below:
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